Sunday, December 25, 2011

St Maurice, Nubian / Coptic martyr, by robert trudeau 2011

St. Maurice was an Egyptian from Thebes in Upper Egypt, says Wikipedia.

His Egyptian origin is stressed by the Coptic Greek name "Maurikios", which appears in the papyri, and is identical with the later Roman name "Mauritius", according to G. Heuser in his Personennamen der Kopten.

In fact, the name is found in epitaphs of the Ptolemaic Egypt and Egyptian Christian periods, and is still used as a personal name in Egypt's Coptic community.[2]

"The oldest surviving" [13] image that depicts Saint Maurice as a Black African [14] was carved in the 1240s for the Cathedral of Magdeburg, a strikingly accurate depiction of a contemporary armed knight; there it is displayed next to the grave of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor. Jean Devisse,

Black, the History of a color, Michel Pastoreau, is where I discovered the story.

Given as a holiday gift at the end of 2011.

Friday, December 23, 2011

St Maurice / study / robert trudeau 2011

About the year 325 CE the Egyptian Christian general, Maurice, was ordered to Gaul. There he and his men were martyred for refusing to attack the opposing troops. They refused because the foes were also Christians.

He is known as St Moritz and also as St Mauritius. There are many churches and shrines dedicated to his name in Europe.
He is the first African man, a Nubian, who earned widespread veneration in the church.