Saturday, May 24, 2008

Don St Martin & Reginald LaCoste

Sketch is based on a couple of fellows I observed in Houston, though I imagined them in New Orleans. Don is a barber in his father's shop and Reg is a sous chef and trumpet player.

Cole Porter, Josephine Baker in New Orleans

A study for a show called Couples. Everyone seems to love celebrities.
And these are my favorite pop artists of the recent era.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Merci to my comrades

Originally uploaded by trudeau
In this time of health issues my long-time comrades at Caddo Magnet High have sent marvelous gifts of consolation and honor. I am humbled and delighted. This is part of my Thank You to them.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dixie goes to Carnival - in New Orleans

Bandages as part of one's costume or mask is not an untoward idea, is it? Today Band Aids come in colors. They make this neat prickly sensation on your skin. Also, they're quick, eh?

The rest of Dixie is bastardized Maori. The raised facial tattoos. The flowing ink pattern tattoos make her look as though she's been in a wind tunnel air flow study.

The background expresses a musical vibe that comes from the soundscape of the entire Creole city.

Is that a perm?

Two books / Robert Trudeau 08

Notes from a series on couples. Having sketched it, I'm impressed by how I can be so sappy.

Still, I like the place where the noses overlap and the bizarre eyes and non-Rohrschach test and the unconsummated kiss.

The background doesn't really look like books, but that's good. Talbot said they looked like palapas, which is lovely. I like that the dif in facial coloration is the product only of the frequency of the horizontals.

Workshop time. Do another.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Ascha means "hope" and "life" in Hindi and Swahili

Sketched as a gifty to Wendy Benscoter and Pam Atchison, managers of, on the launch of the new web site.

Wendy and Pam have employed me as the arts guide editor, a territory that I relish. And they both sent gifties to me on opening day.
