Sunday, January 23, 2011

Romulus Remus t-shirts feature Parachute Patty; order one at
Originally uploaded by trudeau
If you like the rendering of Parachute Patty, the cover girl for the Romulus Remus album, Good Grief, you can wear it.

Kern Courtney, guitarist, producer and member of Romulus Remus, is ordering a run of hand-printed silk-screen t-shirts with this image. Black or white t-shirt with contrasting artwork. They're $15 and can be quickly ordered at

You can also download the album, which is Beatlesque, quirky and richly recorded. Listening to the music - the tune "Parachute Patty" is a classic - was integral to my making the sketches that resulted in this image.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Paper project - robert trudeau art '11, shreveport

Help apply fluorescent paint to life-size outlines of dancing figures on Feb 19 at minicine Shreveport.

"Paper Personalities."

Many artists make light work.

Participation being the key to a growly event.