Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sketch that led to Talbot's felt design for the Blanc et Noir Marching Society banner and coat emblem

B & N 1
Originally uploaded by trudeau
Hey, Blanc et Noir is parading on Sun, feb 3, 08, in the Krewe of Highland parade. You're welcome to join us.

Please see more at

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Burroughs in El Paso / 07

Burroughs / Robert Trudeau 07
Originally uploaded by trudeau
While Burroughs is associated with Paris, London, Mexico City, even Lawrence, Kansas (1981 - 1997), I was watching the movie about Johnny Cash when I sketched him and imagined Burroughs crossing paths with Cash in El Paso. Two dark birds on a wire.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

le reve

le reve
Originally uploaded by trudeau
Spontaneous dreamscape before bed, thinking of how it might go in a sketch performance. Wondering what I'd produce. How to squeeze out the week's protribulations.

Zaraa zehr 02

Zaraa zehr 02
Originally uploaded by trudeau
Souvenir of a belly dance production by Rebecca Nesbitt Prosino at soundstage 516, downtown Shreveport. I performed as narrator and photog. Bevy of beauties and all that.

Happy holidays 07 from the staff of Trudeau Communications

Happyholidays 07
Originally uploaded by trudeau
A quick burst of pen work before bed to deliver some of the demons to the castle.

Actually, I was rehearsing, sort of, for doing a concert using a live pen atop a musical bed.